75Hard: Time Management

If you haven’t read my last post about the 75Hard challenge I am committed to, before reading this I suggest you go back and read it so you are caught up. I am officially two weeks in this challenge and I wanted to share my biggest take away thus far: time management.

When you hear those words, what does it make you think of? Does it make you think of getting a work deadline in or perhaps figuring out how to go to the gym, feed the kids, spend time with your significant other?

Well I want to tell you something. The key to time management is being intentional with your time.

I had to learn this very quickly with this 75Hard challenge. Throughout these two weeks I have learned how unintentional I have been with my time lately. Yes, I have always been an early riser so I would wake up, read and then scroll on phone until it was time to head to work. Or I would come home after work, sit on the couch and binge watch a current show I was into. Now, I’ve realized that I am wasting so much unnecessary time scrolling or binge watching. I have restructured my time and I have found that I have much more than I ever thought! If I can fit in two workouts, work a full time job with an hour commute, have time for my partner and friends, and work on the side, then you can most certainly change your mindset with how you spend your time and being intentional.

I want to ask you these simple questions. How much time do you spend on your phone each day? How much time do you allot yourself in the morning before heading to work? How much time do you allot yourself at night for you?

If you answered the first question with numerous hours on your phone each day, then you probably don’t have a lot of time when you answer the second two questions. That’s okay. I’m here to help you work through this.

First thing first – start your morning with waking up 15-30 minutes earlier. That’s a game changer within itself. Now when you do this though, the kicker is to put your phone aside for these extra minutes. These 15-30 minutes are minutes for you, minutes you are dedicating to yourself each day. Think about it, if you wake up 15 minutes early for a week straight that is almost TWO HOURS extra you are getting each week back into your life. There is so much you can do with two extra hours each week! You can start meditating, start reading that book you wanted to, start learning a new skill and creating the life you want to live!

So now you are waking up earlier and have the morning covered. Something that will be helpful prior to ending your day is to set your next day up for success. So instead of scrolling on TikTok for the last 30 minutes of your day, start getting ready for the next day. Set your clothes out so you don’t have to think about it in the morning, pack your bag, make your lunch, go into your calendar and see what the next day brings, block off time throughout the day for you time and to get things done.

Now I know sometimes this is easier said than done. I get that. It took me years to figure out I wasn’t spending my time intentionally. However, when you start doing these small steps, it will compound into big results. It might not seem like much now, but if you keep being consistent with these steps, you will start noticing more time throughout your day. You’ll start feeling less rushed in the morning. You’ll start having more time for the things you love. You’ll start picking healthy habits.

It all starts with being intentional and starting small.

Follow me for more inspiration and motivation on IG – @_escapingyourzone


This year has been a whirlwind of a year for me in all aspects. Mentally, physically emotionally. A lot of changes come with this. I felt complacent for most of a the year. I needed a change, a challenge. Something that really would motivate me and tap into my physical and mental needs.

Let me tell you this – I have found it. I want to document my journey throughout this challenge for myself mainly, but for you as well. Hoping that documenting this journey and challenge I will help motivate and inspire you to put yourself in an uncomfortable setting and really tap into your best self as well.

Have you ever heard of the #75Hard challenge? If you have – great! If you haven’t – then buckle up! #75Hard was created by a guy named Andy Frisella. This challenge has been completed by many people around the world! Yes, there are physical aspects of the challenge within itself, however it is more of a mental challenge within yourself.

Here are the rules. There are tasks you need to complete daily. No exception. If you do not complete EVERY task, you will need to start back at day 1. You complete these task daily for 75 days STRAIGHT. Yes, every single day. Have I intrigued you enough? Are you wanting to know what the tasks are that need to be completed?

Here they are:

  1. Follow a diet. (Doesn’t matter what kind of diet. A diet that suits you best.)
  2. No cheat meals or alcohol.
  3. A 45 minute indoor workout.
  4. A 45 minute outdoor workout. (The work outs need to be at least 3-4 hours apart.)
  5. Drink a gallon of water.
  6. Take a progress picture.
  7. Read 10 Pages of a self growth/development/entrepreneur book.

What do you think? Is this something you could sustain for 75 days straight? I am on Day 7, thus far I have noticed how much commitment and time management this challenge takes. Even within the first 7 days, I am starting to feel the spark and passion back in me for fitness. I am enjoying meal prepping.

I will be documenting my journey on my instagram as well @_escapingyourzone


Why is it so hard for us to truly be all in or commit to something? Think of a time when you wanted to do something, did you complete it or did you stop halfway because, life?

I am writing this to talk about commitment. This year my word is commitment. Yes, in the past I have had many accomplishments in my life, however I have had many things I wanted to accomplish but either stopped halfway through or just simply “moved onto the next”. Not this year, this year I have a lot of goals and commitments that I just simply need to finish and accomplish. If this is you, keep reading while I share three friendly steps with you on how to truly commit.

Step 1 – Figure out your goal. How can you commit to anything if you don’t have a goal you are working towards. Your goal may not look like my goal or may not look like your best friend’s goal, obviously that is okay because this is about YOU. It’s not about your best friend who has started their journey months prior. So I will repeat myself, step 1 – figure out goal.

Step 2 – WRITE THAT DOWN. If you have a goal, and you don’t write it down, does that even count of having a goal? When I say write it down, that doesn’t mean write it down in a book that you only pick up once every 10 years. I mean write it down and put it somewhere visible! I have my current goals on post it notes on my mirror in the bathroom. (That is a tool I learned from David Goggins Accountability Mirror) So again, step 2 – WRITE THE GOAL DOWN AND MAKE IT VISIBLE!

Step 3 – Talk about it A LOT and tell people often. It is a proven fact that people who talk about their goals more often and make them present, hold themselves to a higher accountability level. Commitment is about holding yourself accountable. Don’t worry what others think, this is your journey and your goal. When you finally reach your goal, I bet people who “judged” you are now jealous of you. Another reason why I say talk about it is because you truly can help inspire others as well. I never really liked talking about my sober journey because at first I felt a certain way, maybe ashamed, embarrassed even. However, when I started being vocal about it, I realized I made a bigger impact on others than I ever thought I would. So be proud of your goals they will help inspire others. Step 3 – TALK ABOUT YOUR GOAL AND TELL PEOPLE.

Commitment takes a lot of of practice that you will find out. If you are serious about making changes and committing, follow these three steps that have helped change my life.

Changes don’t happen in your comfort zone, you need to start growing outside your zone.

Side note – check out my podcast for more insights on inspiring individuals who have committed and escape their comfort zone everyday.

Podcast – Escaping Your Zone

IG – @_escapingyourzone

What does success look like to you?

I know I have been silent for quite some time. Some times in life you hit a mental roadblock and need time to separate yourself from things, even if it means things you love or are passionate about. You need to steer yourself on the right path again.

We all want to feel a belonging, acceptance, success. But does that look the same for you as it does me, or does it look the same as the person sitting next to you? The answer is no. There is no true way that my success is the same as what you see your success. Some may feel success is happiness, others may feel it is a dream car, some may just see success as getting out of bed in the morning.

What I’ve come to realize is that we are all on our different success journeys, but we are constantly comparing our success journeys to others around us. Why is that? Is it because they have 100K followers on Instagram? Is it because they have a six pack of abs and what seems to be the perfect life? But when we break it down, is their success what you see as your success?

How do we stop this madness of “keeping up with the Jones'”? We STOP comparing ourselves to others. We START looking forward to our success instead of beside us to others success.

Easier said than done right? Wrong.

So how do we fix this?

Let’s start first on writing down what success looks like to you. Okay, got it? Good.

Now that you have wrote down what you think success looks like, write down ways that you can get to that end goal of success. Got it? Good.

Lastly, write down things that you think are roadblocks to getting you to success. It could be distractions, toxic environments, etc. Got it? Good.

So what you now have is a success pathway with three categories.

  1. What success looks like to you.
  2. Ways to get to your goal of success.
  3. Roadblocks that may be an obstacle for your success.

See, you are on the right path. Now that you have clearer vision of what you need to do to get you to success and potential roadblocks, you can utilize this in your day to day.

Example – If your vision of success is to get super ripped at the gym, then you need to start going to the gym. So you start making the gym a daily routine. However, you start comparing yourself to the dude next to you who is pumping out bicep curls like no tomorrow.

HOLD UP – Prior, you would have started comparing yourself to him, asking yourself why don’t you have massive biceps already. But with the tools above, you now can realize that he is a roadblock for you since he is not helping you to move towards your success.

You need to think of how to get around this roadblock. Possibly move your positioning where you are working out so you don’t see and fixate on him. Maybe ask him for suggestions on sets he is doing by telling him your goals of success.

This is just one example of how you can use these tools of writing down your success pathway and navigating past your roadblocks.

Hope this was helpful!

What does your success pathway look like? Want more inspiration?

Follow me on IG @_escapingyourzone

Failure and Growth

How many times have you heard ‘you might fail’? Or have heard ‘the risk doesn’t outweigh the fail’.

Well I am here to tell you that is completely BS. I want to go in depth of an experience I had this past weekend about failure and growth. For the past nine months I have been training for a half ironman. If you do not know what that consist of it is a 1.2 mile swim, typically a 56 mile bike (mine was 57 miles), followed by a 13.1 mile run. Needless to say it takes a lot of time and dedication. Not only do you need to be physically prepared, you need to be mentally prepared as well.

Fast forward to race week, you start fueling the week prior, making sure you have everything packed from your goggles to your running shoes. Everything is going to be perfect, right? How could it not – I’ve trained for months for this specific day.

Race day arrives. Butterflies fill your stomach, the anticipation is slightly overwhelming, but yet again you know you are ready for this thing!

Well I was wildly mistaken. The swim went awesome. I finished with a great time, was ahead of a lot of participants and feeling good. Then it was onto the grueling bike ride. About twenty miles in, I started to just feel fatigued. I tried to fuel, but could not force myself to eat. At least I had sports drinks to help replenish electrolytes and a few carbs, but that would not be sustainable or enough. I started to get tired. Other racers passing me. I knew I was falling behind. As hard as I tried, I could not force myself to go faster. My legs weren’t pedaling at the speed I needed to go.

Now we are on mile 54 and I notice my bike isn’t working properly. I hop off for a quick moment and notice I have a flat tire on the back wheel. One of the course volunteers asked me if I wanted to call it in and have someone come replace it and pick me up. I told him ‘no’. I had to finish. So I got back onto the bike and started pedaling again. Now let me tell you, I feel riding with a flat tire is the equivalent to driving on black ice. You do not have much control and it is hard to steer.

Finally, I get back to the transition area and ready to start my 13.1 mile run and that’s when it happened. I was told I couldn’t move on because I missed the cut off time for the bike portion.

At first I was devastated. I was filled with so many emotions. Anger, frustration, and FAILURE. I thought to myself how could I have trained so hard, pushed myself to my physical and mental limits during the bike to only come up short. I started packing up my things because I knew my race was over. Emotions still all over.

I took the next few days to process everything. Like I stated before, yes you are pushing your body physically to limits you may have never been to before, however you are pushing your mind to those same places.

After reflecting on the whole event and process, I realized something. I did not fail. Now you may be thinking I am 100% wrong, and that’s okay too, you can have your opinion.

In my mind, I didn’t fail. I grew. This was the first time in my life I wasn’t able to finish something. Truly finish something I started. It was humbling. It made me realize something what I have been talking about all along, it didn’t destroy my confidence, it grew my confidence.

You want to know how? It’s because I know that I gave it all my all, I left everything I had out there. I learned from this. I know what I need to work on to get better. That’s what confidence is about, having the knowledge to grow and get better. It helped me realize that throughout this whole process I felt stuck, I felt like training was more like a chore than having fun. After realizing this I started to understand.

I took this scenario and I am able to start to change from it. I realized that I took a risk to challenge myself. Yes, I didn’t finish, but no I didn’t fail. I learned, I grew, I discovered.

You are probably wondering how any of this will benefit you. It will, what I am saying to you is it’s okay to take that risk. That’s how we truly grow and escape our comfort zone. We take those risks, even if we don’t finish or succeed the first time. Whatever the outcome is we can learn and grow from it.

Go ahead. Take the risk. I know you’ll do amazing things.

No. 1 Reason Why People Don’t Take Risks

What is something you want right now? Is it to move to a new city? Start your own business? Go for a new job? Ask that certain someone out on a date? If could be anything. Let me ask you this now, what’s holding you back from doing that? Is it fear? Lack of confidence? Do you not think you hold enough value to succeed?

One of the main reasons why people do not take risks is they do not think they are good enough. People listen to their own doubts and spend a lot of time playing negative scenarios in their mind about an outcome to the risk. When they do this, they tend to now think the risk is close to impossible to succeed.

I am here to tell you to take the risk! Life is all about uncertainty. Have you ever had a day that went 100% unplanned? Obstacles kept getting in the way? Did you adapt? If you keep living life without taking risks, you will never tend to grow outside of your comfort zone. Without risks, you’ll always live in the “what if” state of mind. ‘What if I would have moved to that city?’ ‘What if I started my own business?’ ‘What if I got that job I’ve always wanted?’ ‘What if I asked that person on a date?’ Would you rather live with not knowing how your life could have shaped out, or would you rather live with regret and what if?

Uncertainty is okay. Being uncomfortable is okay. Taking risks is okay. But how do you do it, you ask?

Here are 3 simple steps start helping you take those risks:

  1. Positive Self Talk:

When you start amping yourself up for something and talking positive to yourself. It is going to outweigh all the negative talk you have surrounded yourself with for awhile. Write down your strengths that would help you succeed in the risk. Write down the pros of taking the risk. Tell yourself that you are enough and truly can do whatever you set your mind to do. Seek advice from someone who took a similar risk. Ask them how they did it, if they would do something different, and one thing they suggest you to do.

2. Surround Yourself with Like Minded People:

If you surround yourself with people who tend to not take risks, then you will tend not take risks because you do not want to be judged by others around you for being “reckless or careless”.

Instead, surround yourself around likeminded people who have similar goals and ambitions as you. Others won’t put you down or speak negative if they are on the same mindset as you are for taking risks. Surround yourself with successful people to help guide you along your journey.

3. Don’t Wait, Do it Now

What are you waiting for? Tomorrow? Realistically, tomorrow never comes. Today is the day to start taking over your life and start taking risks! Think about this – where do you want to be six months from now, a year from now, five years from now. Are you going to be able to be in that place if you keep pushing everything until tomorrow? I don’t think so.

This is the biggest set back people have when thinking about taking a risk. They wait. They wait for the right moment, for the right opportunity. Here’s a little secret – it may never be the right moment. You need to just trust in yourself, pump yourself up, and do it now!

I am going to end this here because I want you to go. Get fired up! Go start getting those opportunities you are truly destined for! Take the risk! Take the job! Move to that city! Ask that person out! YOU CAN DO IT AND YOU WILL DO IT!

Need more daily confidence boosts? Follow my IG – @_escapingyourzone or tune into my podcast on Spotify or Apple Escaping Your Zone Podcast

A Reintroduction of Me

This is me.

Hi all! I wanted to take a moment today to reintroduce myself, give a little background about myself and my mission. I’m Ashley (she/her). During 2020 and 2021, I really got in a funk. I knew I had a gift and wanted to help people. For weeks and months I jotted down what exactly I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to do something, but I just wasn’t sure. Now I’m sure.

A few months ago I started researching life coaching. In my full time every day job a big chunk of my time is devoted to helping mentor people in either being a first job, their professionalism, or just growing as a person in a work environment.

That’s when I decided I wanted to do more. I see all this potential people have and are afraid to act on it, afraid to take risks, afraid to step out of their comfort zone. So that’s where I come into play. I want to help people truly become more confident and become their authentic self.

It has taken me years to do just that. About ten years ago, I finally realized I was gay. But it took years after that to truly start accepting myself and being comfortable with myself. Once I did accept myself, I felt this new feeling of awesomeness that I haven’t felt. It’s a pretty amazing feeling.

Even though I was comfortable with my sexuality, I still was uncomfortable with the way I looked. I was overweight and just wasn’t happy in that aspect. So I decided to get uncomfortable again. I started a plant based diet and really focused on my fitness. That’s where I developed a passion for triathlons. That was my drive to better myself in the fitness realm of things. Once completing my first sprint triathlon, I felt on top of the world and wanted more. So then I decided to do a half marathon the next year with my girlfriend. Then wanted more.

2017 vs. 2021

When COVID hit, unfortunately all the races that year were cancelled. But we knew we still wanted to challenge ourselves physically and mentally that year with everything going on. So we did a 5k challenge. We ran 3.1 miles everyday for 50 days straight. Now at first it was nothing. But then you hit times where running is the last thing you wanted to do. Working late, coming home and having to lace up the running shoes. It taught me something though. In order to reach a goal, a lot of times you need to be uncomfortable during the process. A lot of things in life don’t come easy for most. That’s when we really have to be self-aware and keep pushing through. We completed all 50 days and truly felt amazing. I never grew up a runner, so now being able to run every day is such a gift.

Also, during that time, I decided to quit drinking. I started to realize that alcohol was putting a strain on many aspects of my life. My relationships, my mental health, my physical health. I knew that if I truly wanted to help others, I had to have a clear mind myself. So on June 13th, 2020 I started my journey of sobriety.

Fast forward to this year. I started truly advocating for my mission of helping others becoming more confident and their authentic self. That’s where this blog comes into play. I want to share my knowledge on what I did to escape my comfort zone with others and help found that I love expressing myself through writing and talking. I have also started a podcast to dig deeper into my journey of escaping my comfort zone and eventually of sharing other’s stories as well.

So there it is. A little more in depth introduction of my blog purpose and mission. I hope that you want to join me on my mission to building a community of amazing individuals who work daily on gaining their confidence and becoming their more authentic self.

If you are interested in working with me or listening to my podcast, you can click this link to explore more. https://linktr.ee/_escapingyourzone

Subscribe for more confidence posts and follow me on IG @_escapingyourzone for daily confidence boosts.

Have an amazing day! Thank you for your time.

4 Ways in Becoming more Self-Aware

Do you think you are self-aware? Did you know that 95% of people think they are self-aware. Out of the 95% only 5-10% of people are truly self-aware. I am here to help you start your self-awareness journey.

The one biggest aspect in your self-awarness journey is learning yourself. You need to learn your thoughts, be upfront with your emotions, recognizing what makes you…you.

1. Keeping a Journal:

When you keep a journal, you can truly jot down any thought you have, anything you are feeling, how someone or something makes you respond. Think about it as a cheat sheet to your life.

If you feel a certain way and you have felt that feeling before but you cannot remember when it occurred, you can look back in your journal and see what has made you feel this way before.

Journaling can make you self aware of your thoughts and actions. It can help you articulate your thoughts into one area and help you become self-aware of who the person you want to be and the person who you want to become.

2. Practice Mindfulness:

Being mindful takes practice. When you are at one with your thoughts and peace with yourself, it helps you become aware of yourself and your surroundings. You can channel how you respond to different areas of your life. When practicing mindfulness you tend to find clarity and reflection in your every day.

3. Prioritizing your Happiness:

Your happiness is most important. Once you start realizing this and prioritizing what makes you truly happy, you will start feeling happier. Being self-aware is all about saying no to things that don’t make you happy. Choosing your happiness as a priority and becoming more aware.

4. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses:

We typically focus on our strengths, our strengths is what makes us feel good. But becoming self-aware is facing not only the good, but the uncomfortable as well. We want to start writing down our strengths, things that we are good at doing.

Once we have that list created, we want to focus on our weaknesses. Yes, our weaknesses will make us uncomfortable. But in order to be self-aware we need to be uncomfortable at moments.

Needless to say becoming more self-aware takes practice. It won’t come overnight. It may takes weeks, months, sometimes even years. However, once you start becoming more self-aware and utilizing it in day to day living you will find happiness, less stress, and overall clarity in life.

Self-Esteem vs. Ego

Have you ever thought what is the difference between self-esteem and ego? Did you even realize there is a difference? I am here to explain to you the simple difference between the two and making sure that you truly are gaining your self-esteem and not letting your ego get in the way.

For me, when I think of the differences between self-esteem and ego, I think of two main differences. One difference is your thought process. I will get into this later on in this post. The other main difference between the two is how you talk about yourself. Now, you may be thinking, ‘I hate talking about myself.’ And that’s okay. I will get into this later, however I am simply stating the way we present and talk about ourselves will show the difference if we truly have high self-esteem or we are letting our ego side show.

Let’s get into the simple definition of self-esteem. Self-Esteem is simply knowing your worth, having confidence in yourself, and knowing your self value. Self-Esteem does take work to master. When you truly have genuine self-esteem, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! You aren’t afraid of taking risks, you know that when you engage with an audience that it is genuine and they truly are there for you. Having high self-esteem is one of the best feelings I think someone could have, knowing how valuable you are to others and getting your message out there in a genuine way.

Now let’s talk about ego. Ego is simply how someone views themselves. The word ego can have a bad reputation. There is good ego and bad ego. If someone has good ego, they can utilize it to their advantage. If they think highly of themselves, they can push their will power to the max, rise above other’s because of their work ethic, and achieve their goals through their work. If someone has a bad ego, they think too highly of themselves which has a negative affect on others around them. If someone has a bad ego and thinks highly of themselves, they may think that they do not have to work hard for anything, things should just be handed to them.

You know the simple definitions of both, self-esteem and ego, now is it time to dive deep into how they vary.

1.) Thought Process

When you have high self esteem, you do not think that you are better than others, you simply know your worth and your value to others. For example, let’s say you are managing a project at work. Your supervisor put you in charge of the project because they see your value to the company, they know your passion, and how genuine you are to others around you. With this being said, you do amazing work. Not only do you accomplish what is needed, you demonstrate great leadership to your team because you have high self-esteem and feel confident about the final project. You think to yourself ‘I am proud of myself for being put in charge of this project.’

What if we change that into saying you have a high ego. Your supervisor puts you in charge of a project because you do demonstrate a hard work ethic. However, since you are in charge of the project you now think ‘I don’t have to do any of the work. I was put in charge, I am going to make the others on my team do all the work since they weren’t the ones left in charge.’ With this thought process, it not only causes tension with your fellow teammates, you do not accomplish the project because your team lost respect for you because you acted that you were better than everyone else in the room.

Do you see how your thought process can actually play a big part in whether you are viewed in having high self-esteem or having a high ego? Not all ego is bad, but it is truly the thought process that will demonstrate how others perceive you.

2.) Talking about Yourself

The other difference between having self-esteem or ego is the way you talk about yourself to others. Self-Esteem is all about building your confidence and being authentic as you do so. Authenticity comes with vulnerability. People love stories. That’s what it comes down to for this one. When you are telling your story and being truly authentic and vulnerable, people are going to respect you. Whether it is coming from off the streets to becoming a millionaire, or simply overcoming a fear that you have had for a long time.

When you talk about yourself in a way that you are telling a story, people are going to respect you and want to follow along your journey. When you have more people listening and joining your journey, you are boosting your confidence and self-esteem without even trying or realizing it.

Talking about yourself with a high ego making yourself sound like you are better than everyone else. If you lost a bunch of weight and put in the hard work, that’s awesome! However, if you present as you are now better than everyone since you dropped the weight, people won’t want to join your journey because you aren’t being sincere about telling your story. You are just telling people that you lost weight, and not think that you are better than them because you did. People want to join your journey, your story. They want help building their confidence too. You have value, encourage them rather than looking down on them.

After reading this post, take a moment and truly think about your thoughts and your actions. Do you think you are on the end with high self-esteem or are you leaning more towards having a high ego? If you have realized you may have a high ego and want to change it, it truly comes with your thoughts and actions.

Start practicing your thought process of how you think and talk about yourself, when you are with others use this practice to start the change. You will slowly start seeing how others interact and start seeing you.

Was this helpful? Subscribe for more confidence posts and follow me on IG (@_escapingyourzone) for daily confidence boosts!

Change I can’t into I can

We all go through this at one point in our life or another. We want to accomplish something, but we say to ourselves “I can’t because…” Stop there. In that small phrase, you are literally limiting yourself from your full potential.

Remember yesterday how we discussed about different ways to change our thinking habits? I wanted to add onto this topic. I think the biggest roadblock for a lot of people who give up on their dreams and goals is because they tend to say I can’t. Think about yesterday, what did you say “I can’t” to? Let’s change that thinking right now.

Think about your goals, write them down so you actual commit to them. Now, is there one goal that you are afraid to write down because you are afraid to commit because you truly do not think it is possible? If you are working on your weight loss journey and you want to fit into that perfect outfit for a special event next summer but you are afraid to writing it down because you do not think it is truly possible. Let’s change that thinking!

Go ahead, write it down, I challenge you that! Now that you wrote it down it’s time to start achieving it. Change all of your thinking to “I can do this!” Easier said than done, right?

Start small. Small goals and small wins will help you move towards your bigger goal. Every time you hear yourself saying you can’t. Reassess why you can’t and change your mindset and wording with this. If it is “I can’t make it to the gym today because I have a doctors appointment after work and the gym closes.” Try saying “After the doctor’s appointment I can come home and do an at home work out or go for a walk to get the body moving.”

See how simple it truly is to change the I can’t into I can. It may take some practice on changing your mindset and thought process, however when you start thinking this way it starts minimizing the excuses and you start seeing results!

Another more in depth step is writing down I can’t in advance and finding an I can solution. You know yourself, you know what excuses you’ll make. So if you already have a solution to the excuse, then you are already a step ahead of the game!

I hope you are able to take this with you and utilize it with your daily life and start the positive action way of thinking and start hitting your goals and dreams!

Subscribe for more posts and follow me on IG (@_escapingyourzone) for daily confidence boosts.

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